All Classes and Interfaces

Operation to add a value to another value.
Operation to assign a value to another value.
Class to perform atomic operations on shared variables.
A variable that performs atomic operations over its value.
A barrier is a synchronization construct that allows multiple threads to wait for each other at a common point.
Reduction operation for bitwise AND.
Operation to perform a bitwise AND operation on a value.
Reduction operation for bitwise OR.
Operation to perform a bitwise OR operation on a value.
Reduction operation for bitwise XOR.
Operation to perform a bitwise XOR operation on a value.
Interface for a builder.
Constants used in the library.
The Critical class provides a mechanism for executing tasks in parallel with critical sections.
Operation to divide a value by another value.
A variable that is not shared between threads.
Interface for a `for loop` task.
A class that provides initial values for variables.
A variable that is not shared between threads.
Reduction operation for logical AND.
Reduction operation for logical OR.
Reduction operation for maximum.
Operation to perform a max operation on a value.
Reduction operation for minimum.
Operation to perform a min operation on a value.
Reduction operation for multiplication.
Operation to multiply a value by another value.
Operation interface that defines the basic structure of an operation.
Enum for reduction operations.
Operations to perform on values.
Parallel execution block.
A variable that is not shared between threads.
Interface for reduction operations.
Represents a reduction variable that its value is reduced from private variables using a reduction operation.
A variable that is shared between threads.
Operation to perform a left shift operation on a value.
Operation to perform a shift right operation on a value.
Operation to subtract a value from another value.
Reduction operation for addition.
A task to be run in parallel.
Utility methods.
The Variable interface represents a variable that can store a value of any type.
Represents a collection of variables.