All Classes and Interfaces

Reduction operation for bitwise AND.
Reduction operation for bitwise OR.
Reduction operation for bitwise XOR.
Interface for a builder.
Constants used in the library.
A variable that is not shared between threads.
Interface for a `for loop` task.
A class that provides initial values for variables.
A variable that is not shared between threads.
Reduction operation for logical AND.
Reduction operation for logical OR.
Reduction operation for maximum.
Reduction operation for minimum.
Reduction operation for multiplication.
Enum for reduction operations.
Parallel execution block.
Parallel execution block.
A variable that is not shared between threads.
Interface for reduction operations.
Represents a reduction variable that its value is reduced from private variables using a reduction operation.
A section of a parallel block.
Builder for parallel sections.
A variable that is shared between threads.
This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Reduction operation for addition.
A task to be run in parallel.
Utility methods.
The Variable interface represents a variable that can store a value of any type.
Represents a collection of variables.