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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


add() - Method in class jromp.parallel.builder.SectionBuilder
Add a new section to the builder.
add(String, Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Adds a variable with the specified name to the map of variables.


BAND - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Bitwise AND reduction operation.
begin(Task) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Begin the parallel execution block with the given task.
begin(Task) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.ParallelBlock
Begins the execution of a task in a parallel block.
BitwiseAnd<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for bitwise AND.
BitwiseAnd() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseAnd
BitwiseOr<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for bitwise OR.
BitwiseOr() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseOr
BitwiseXor<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for bitwise XOR.
BitwiseXor() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseXor
block(Task) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes a task in a parallel block, using the default variables.
block(Variables, Task) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes a task in a parallel block, using the given variables.
BOR - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Bitwise OR reduction operation.
build() - Method in interface jromp.parallel.builder.Builder
Build the object.
build() - Method in class jromp.parallel.builder.SectionBuilder
Builds and returns a list of sections.
Builder<T> - Interface in jromp.parallel.builder
Interface for a builder.
BXOR - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Bitwise XOR reduction operation.


checkThreads(int) - Static method in class jromp.parallel.utils.Utils
Check the number of threads.
combine(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalAnd
combine(Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalOr
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseAnd
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseOr
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseXor
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Max
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Min
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Mul
combine(T, T) - Method in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Combines two values of the reduction operation.
combine(T, T) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.reduction.ReductionOperation
Combines two values of the reduction operation.
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sub
combine(T, T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sum
Constants - Class in jromp
Constants used in the library.
copy() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.FirstPrivateVariable
copy() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.LastPrivateVariable
copy() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.PrivateVariable
copy() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable
copy() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.SharedVariable
copy() - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.Variable
Creates a copy of the variable.
copy() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Creates a copy of the Variables object.
create() - Static method in class jromp.parallel.builder.SectionBuilder
Create a new section builder.
create() - Static method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Creates a new instance of the Variables class.
create(Map<String, Variable<?>>) - Static method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Creates a new instance of the Variables class with the provided variable map.


DEFAULT_THREADS - Static variable in class jromp.Constants
The default number of threads to use.
defaultConfig() - Static method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Create a new parallel execution block with the default number of threads.


end() - Method in interface jromp.parallel.ParallelBlock
Ends the execution of the parallel block.
end() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.FirstPrivateVariable
end() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.LastPrivateVariable
end() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.PrivateVariable
end() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable
end() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.SharedVariable
end() - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.Variable
Performs any cleanup operations that may be required by the variable.
equals(Object) - Method in record class jromp.parallel.Section
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.


FirstPrivateVariable<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var
A variable that is not shared between threads.
FirstPrivateVariable(T) - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.FirstPrivateVariable
Constructs a new private variable with the given value.
ForTask - Interface in jromp.parallel.task
Interface for a `for loop` task.
fromIdentifier(String) - Static method in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Returns the reduction operation corresponding to the given identifier.


get() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.FirstPrivateVariable
get() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.LastPrivateVariable
get() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.PrivateVariable
get() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable
get() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.SharedVariable
get() - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.Variable
Retrieves the value of the variable.
get(String) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Retrieves the variable with the specified name from the Variables object.
getIdentifier() - Method in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Get the identifier of the operation.
getInitialValue(Class<T>) - Static method in class jromp.parallel.var.InitialValues
Returns the initial value for the given class.
getOp() - Method in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Get the operation.
getT(T, double) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.reduction.ReductionOperation
Returns the value of type T based on the given value and number.
getVariables() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Retrieves the map of variables.
getVariablesOfType(Class<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Retrieves a list of variables of a specified type.


hashCode() - Method in record class jromp.parallel.Section
Returns a hash code value for this object.


identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseAnd
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseOr
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseXor
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalAnd
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalOr
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Max
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Min
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Mul
identifier() - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.reduction.ReductionOperation
Returns the identifier of the reduction operation.
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sub
identifier() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sum
initialize(Variable<Boolean>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalAnd
initialize(Variable<Boolean>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalOr
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseAnd
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseOr
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.BitwiseXor
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Max
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Min
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Mul
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Initializes the variable with the identity value of the reduction operation.
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.reduction.ReductionOperation
Initializes the variable with the identity value of the reduction operation.
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sub
initialize(Variable<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sum
InitialValues - Class in jromp.parallel.var
A class that provides initial values for variables.
isEmpty() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Checks if the variable map is empty.
isMaster(int) - Static method in class jromp.parallel.utils.Utils
Check if the thread is the master thread.
isMerged() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable


join() - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Wait for all threads to finish.
jromp - package jromp
jromp.parallel - package jromp.parallel
jromp.parallel.builder - package jromp.parallel.builder
jromp.parallel.task - package jromp.parallel.task
jromp.parallel.utils - package jromp.parallel.utils
jromp.parallel.var - package jromp.parallel.var
jromp.parallel.var.reduction - package jromp.parallel.var.reduction


LAND - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Logical AND reduction operation.
LastPrivateVariable<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var
A variable that is not shared between threads.
LastPrivateVariable(T) - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.LastPrivateVariable
Constructs a new private variable with the default value.
LogicalAnd - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for logical AND.
LogicalAnd() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalAnd
LogicalOr - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for logical OR.
LogicalOr() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.LogicalOr
LOR - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Logical OR reduction operation.


Max<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for maximum.
Max() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Max
MAX - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Maximum reduction operation.
MAX_THREADS - Static variable in class jromp.Constants
The maximum number of threads that can be used.
merge() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable
Min<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for minimum.
Min() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Min
MIN - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Minimum reduction operation.
MIN_THREADS - Static variable in class jromp.Constants
The minimum number of threads that can be used.
Mul<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for multiplication.
Mul() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Mul
MUL - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Multiplication reduction operation.


NUM_THREADS - Static variable in class jromp.Constants
The name of the variable that specifies the number of threads.


Operation - Enum Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Enum for reduction operations.


Parallel - Class in jromp.parallel
Parallel execution block.
ParallelBlock - Interface in jromp.parallel
Parallel execution block.
parallelFor(int, int, ForTask) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes a for loop in parallel with the given start and end indices, using a task implementation.
parallelFor(int, int, Variables, ForTask) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes a for loop in parallel with the given start and end indices, using a task implementation and variables.
PrivateVariable<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var
A variable that is not shared between threads.
PrivateVariable(T) - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.PrivateVariable
Constructs a new private variable with the default value of the given type.


ReductionOperation<T> - Interface in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Interface for reduction operations.
ReductionVariable<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var
Represents a reduction variable that its value is reduced from private variables using a reduction operation.
ReductionVariable(ReductionOperation<T>, T) - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable
Constructs a new reduction variable with the given reduction operation and initial value.
registerInitialValue(Class<T>, T) - Static method in class jromp.parallel.var.InitialValues
Registers an initial value for the given class.
run(int, int, int) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.task.ForTask
Run the task.
run(int, int, int, Variables) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.task.ForTask
Run the task.
run(int, Variables) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.task.Task
Run the task.


Section - Record Class in jromp.parallel
A section of a parallel block.
Section(Task, Variables) - Constructor for record class jromp.parallel.Section
Creates an instance of a Section record class.
SectionBuilder - Class in jromp.parallel.builder
Builder for parallel sections.
sections(SectionBuilder) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes the given sections in parallel.
sections(Section...) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes the given sections in parallel.
sections(Task...) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes the given tasks in separate sections.
sections(Variables, Task...) - Method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Executes the given tasks in separate sections.
set(T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.FirstPrivateVariable
set(T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.LastPrivateVariable
set(T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.PrivateVariable
set(T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable
set(T) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.SharedVariable
Set the value of the variable to the given value.
set(T) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.Variable
Sets the value of the variable.
SharedVariable<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var
A variable that is shared between threads.
SharedVariable(T) - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.SharedVariable
Constructs a new shared variable with the given value.
size() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Returns the size of the map of variables.
Sub<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
This class is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Sub() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sub
SUB - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Sum<T> - Class in jromp.parallel.var.reduction
Reduction operation for addition.
Sum() - Constructor for class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Sum
SUM - Enum constant in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Sum reduction operation.


task() - Method in record class jromp.parallel.Section
Returns the value of the task record component.
task(Task) - Method in class jromp.parallel.builder.SectionBuilder
Sets the task to be executed in the section.
Task - Interface in jromp.parallel.task
A task to be run in parallel.
toString() - Method in record class jromp.parallel.Section
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.Variables
Returns a string representation of the Variables object.


update(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.FirstPrivateVariable
update(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.LastPrivateVariable
update(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.PrivateVariable
update(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.ReductionVariable
update(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in class jromp.parallel.var.SharedVariable
update(UnaryOperator<T>) - Method in interface jromp.parallel.var.Variable
Applies the given UnaryOperator to update the value of the variable.
Utils - Class in jromp.parallel.utils
Utility methods.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class jromp.parallel.var.reduction.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Variable<T> - Interface in jromp.parallel.var
The Variable interface represents a variable that can store a value of any type.
variables() - Method in record class jromp.parallel.Section
Returns the value of the variables record component.
variables(Variables) - Method in class jromp.parallel.builder.SectionBuilder
Sets the Variables to be used inside the section.
Variables - Class in jromp.parallel.var
Represents a collection of variables.


withThreads(int) - Static method in class jromp.parallel.Parallel
Create a new parallel execution block with the given number of threads.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form